You can add team members when creating a pod or when your pod has already been created.

Add a team member when creating a pod

1. When creating a new pod, at the bottom click Create pod & invite people.


2. On the Team invite screen, you will see your existing team members to be invited. Or, you can add a new team member to your Brightpod account.


3. Click Add People to this Pod.

Add a team member when your pod already exists

1. Go to the Pods page and select the Pod you want to add a team member to.


2. On the right side, click Quick Assign then Add Member.


3. Click the checkbox beside the team member you want to add.

4. Click Invite Selected Team MembersTip: You can add a client to a pod by selecting the Client tab and repeating steps 3 and 4.

Your team member is now included in your Pod.